ABC Class Analysis reports

The measures used in ABC Class Analysis reports are sourced from the Stock Statistics fact. These measures are analyzed by Statistics Period Date and use the Sum aggregation.

Plot 1 Stock Level Trend

Description: This report shows the stock level overview on ABC Class value perspective. You can use this report to analyze the composition of your stock from an ABC Class perspective.

Measure: Closing Balance

Chart type: 1 data series column chart

Partition: The ABC Class - Manual attribute is used as color to partition the chart.

Column selector: ABC Class - Manual, ABC Class - Volume, ABC Class - Frequency, ABC Class - Contribution

Plot 2 Stock Level Trend

Description: This report shows the stock level overview on ABC Class value perspective. You can use this report to analyze the composition of your stock from an ABC Class perspective.

Measure: Closing Balance

Chart type: 1 data series column chart

Partition: The ABC Class - Manual attribute is used as color to partition the chart.

Column selector: ABC Class - Manual, ABC Class - Volume, ABC Class - Frequency, ABC Class - Contribution