Purchase Order Supply Chain reports
The measures used in Purchase Order Supply Chain reports are sourced from the Purchase Orders fact. These measures are analyzed by Planning Date and use the Sum aggregation.
Delivery Type Overview
Description: This report shows a high-level overview of the selected metric by Purchase Order Delivery Type.
Measure: Dynamic selection of measures with the Metric filter (Order Qty, Line Amt, No. of Lines, Open Order Qty)
Chart type: 1 data series donut chart
By Record Type and Line Status
Description: This report shows the selected metric by Purchase Order Line Status.
Measure: Dynamic selection of measures with the Metric filter (Order Qty, Line Amt, No. of Lines, Open Order Qty)
Chart type: 1 data series column chart
Partition: The Record Type attribute is used as color to partition the chart.
By Warehouse
Description: This report shows the top warehouse based on the selected metric. The number of elements displayed is based on the Show N Records filter.
Measure: Dynamic selection of measures with the Metric filter (Order Qty, Line Amt, No. of Lines, Open Order Qty)
Chart type: 1 data series bar chart
Late Arriving Orders by Buyer
Description: This report shows the top buyer with late arriving purchase orders based on the selected metric. The number of elements displayed is based on the Show N Records filter.
Measure: Dynamic selection of measures with the Metric filter (Order Qty, Line Amt, No. of Lines, Open Order Qty)
Chart type: 1 data series bar chart
Purchase Order Details
Description: This report shows a detailed analysis of the product group, sorted descending by line amount. Additional detailed measures for further analysis are made available in the report.
Measure: No. of Lines, Line Amt – Company, Order Qty, Open Order Qty, Avg. No of Days Overdue
Chart type: Table