Stock Profile Details - Warehouse reports
The measures used in Stock Profile Details - Warehouse reports are sourced from the Stock Statistics fact. These measures are analyzed by Statistics Period Date and use the Sum aggregation.
Top Transactions by Warehouse
Description: This report shows the top N warehouse based on overall transaction quantity or gross weight.
Measure: Incoming Stock, Outgoing Stock
Chart type: 2 data series stacked bar chart
Bottom Transactions by Warehouse
Description: This report shows the bottom N warehouse based on overall transaction quantity or gross weight.
Measure: Incoming Stock, Outgoing Stock
Chart type: 2 data series stacked bar chart
Incoming Stock Details by Warehouse
Description: This report shows all the warehouses and its incoming detailed transactions.
Measure: Purchased, Manufactured, Pos Phys Inv, Pos Transfer, Pos Reclass
Chart type: Table
Outgoing Stock Details by Warehouse
Description: This report shows all the warehouses and its outgoing stock detailed transactions.
Measure: Sold, Used, Neg Transfer, Neg Phys Inv, Neg Reclass, Non-Rep Usage, No. of Scheduled Removals, No. of Unscheduled Removals
Chart type: Table