Stock Statistics Overview dashboard
The Stock Statistics Overview dashboard provides you with an in-depth analysis of the performance of warehouses in stock turnover at manufacturing period level.
This dashboard can answer these business questions:
- How is the performance of the warehouses/products in terms of stock turnover?
- How is the warehouse/product selling performance compared to stock turnover?
- How effective is the planning compared to manufactured and purchased units?
Reports and KPIs
The dashboard contains these reports:
- Stock Turnover by Period
- Sold vs Stock Turnover by Warehouse
- Mfd and Purchased vs Planned by Period
- Sold vs Stock Turnover by Product
The reports can be filtered by these Measure Types:
- Quantity
- Net Weight
- Gross Weight
- Volume
- Value
The dashboard also contains these KPIs:
- Stock Turnover
- Sold
- Mfd and Purchased
- Planned
- Scrapped
The KPIs use the Statistics Period Date as the date basis for analysis and the Sum aggregation.
Currency information is also displayed on the dashboard.
These standard filters are available:
- Facility
- Warehouse (Config. 1)
- Item (Config. 1)
- Manufacturing Period (Config.1 )
Measure Type (Config. 1) is and embedded and mandatory filter.