Stock Profile Trend dashboard
The Stock Profile Trend dashboard is the first in a series of dashboards designed to provide visualization of historical stock balance levels. You can use these dashboards to analyze stock profiling trends at a high level, drill down per period, product group, and warehouse to see the stock profile. You can also apply additional filters with ABC classifications from the item-warehouse settings to allow further grouping and subsections of data. The analysis performed with these dashboards can take you from statistical level down to daily transaction level with the ability to drill back to M3 BE to view historical transaction.
The Stock Profile Trend dashboard is your starting point for stock profiling. Use this dashboard to view your stock movements for one or several years. This dashboard provides an in-depth analysis of the performance of warehouses in stock profile at manufacturing period level. Continue your analysis by selecting a period to drill across to the next dashboard in the series: Stock Profile Analysis.
- What is the stock level by the end of each manufacturing period?
- What is the trend of the incoming and outgoing stock?
- How does the stock movement trend look in terms of stock change percent?
Reports and KPIs
- Stock Level by Period
- Stock Change by Period
- Stock Profile Trend Details
The report title for Stock Profile Trend Details is disabled in the dashboard.
- Incoming Stock
- Outgoing Stock
- Stock Change
The KPIs use the Statistics Period Date as the date basis for analysis and the Sum aggregation.
- Facility
- Item (Config. 1)
- Warehouse (Config. 1)
- Manufacturing Period (Config. 2)
- ABC Class – Volume
- ABC Class – Frequency
- ABC Class – Contribution
- ABC Class – Manual
- Measure Type (Config. 2)
Measure Type is a mandatory filter.
Drill across
By clicking a specific period in the Manufacturing Period column of the Stock Profile Trend Details report, you can drill across the Stock Profile Analysis dashboard. Filter values are passed to the Stock Profile Analysis dashboard and details of the selected period are displayed in the Stock Profile by Product and Stock Profile by Warehouse reports.
You can also drill across to the ABC Class Analysis dashboard by clicking