Accounts Receivable Operational Metrics reports
The measures used in Accounts Receivable Operational Metrics reports are sourced from the AR Invoices fact. These measures are analyzed by Accounting Date and use the Sum aggregation.
Invoice Average Days by Period
Description: This report shows the average days between crucial steps in invoice processing as an internal view of the business process. Average days between invoice and due dates are set in comparison with the average days between invoice and payment dates and invoice and reconciliation dates. You can use this report to analyze the trend for invoice processing. It can also be a starting point to improve the business process.
Measure: Invc Avg Days – Invc and Due, Invc Avg Days – Invc and Pmt, Invc Avg Days – Invc and Recon
Chart type: 3 data series combo, 1 areaspline and 2 spline charts
Invoice Variance by Period
Description: This report shows the different invoice variances over a total set of generated invoices on a certain period of time. The three invoice variances (Write-Off, Billback, and Debit) are compared to one another. You can use this report to analyze the trend for invoice generation and pinpoint areas of improvement.
Measure: Write-Off vs Tot Order Invc Pct, Billback vs Tot Order Invc Pct, Debit Note vs Tot Order Invc Pct
Chart type: 3 data series spline chart