Customer Profitability Analysis report

The measures used in Customer Profitability Analysis report are sourced from the Sales Analysis fact. These measures are analyzed by Invoice Date and use the Sum aggregation.

Customer Profitability Analysis

Description: This report shows the customers and the current period and year-to-date metrics of the measures. Arrow indicators are available in the Gross Margin 1 Pct and YTD Gross Margin 1 Pct metrics. This is to allow comparison of Gross Margin from previous month and previous year-to-date. If there is no increase or decrease in Gross Margin 1 Pct, a square indicator is displayed.

Measure: Invcd Net Amt – Company, Total Disc Amt – Company, Gross Profit 1 – Company, Gross Margin 1 Pct – Company, YTD Invcd Net Amt – Company, YTD Total Disc Amt – Company, YTD Gross Profit 1 – Company, YTD Gross Margin 1 Pct – Company

Chart type: Table