General Ledger - Local reports
The measures used in General Ledger - Local reports are sourced from the General Ledger fact. These measures are analyzed by Accounting Date and use the Sum aggregation.
Pct of Total by GL Authorizer
Description: This report helps identify the users that have authorized the most transactions and the share of these in relation to all transactions.
Measure: No. of Transactions
Chart type: 1 data series donut chart
Recorded Amount by Account
Description: This report shows a top ranking of Accounting Group 5 based on the absolute value of the recorded amount in division currency.
Measure: Absolute value of Recorded Amt – Division
Chart type: 1 data series bar chart
Recorded Amount by FAM Entry
Measure: Absolute value of Recorded Amt – Division
Chart type: 1 data series bar chart
Avg Days vs Number of Transactions by GL User
Description: This report shows the average number of days for processing related to number of transactions by user. 0-suppression on Avg Days – Entry and Acctg is applied.Description: This report shows a top ranking of FAM Entry based on the absolute value of the recorded amount in division currency.
Measure: No. of Transactions, Avg Days – Entry and Acctg
Chart type: 2 data series scatter chart
Number of Transactions by Code
Description: This report shows a top ranking of FAM Entry based on theDescription: This report helps analyze how different reason codes are used for transactions in M3 and the average processing time for each.
Measure: No. of Transactions, Avg Days – Entry and Acctg
Chart type: 2 data series combo, 1 single column chart on Y axis 1 and 1 points chart on Y axis 2
Account Details
Description: This report shows the number of transactions and the recorded amount in division currency for Accounting Group 5. The report is sorted by number of transactions.
Measure: Recorded Amt – Division, No. of Transactions
Chart type: Table
FAM Entry Details
Description: This report helps identify the most used FAM functions for specifying financial transactions in M3. The report is sorted descending by number of transactions.
Measure: Recorded Amt – Division, No. of Transactions
Chart type: Table