Overall Equipment Effectiveness - Quality reports
The measures used in Overall Equipment Effectiveness - Quality reports are sourced from the MO Operation Transactions fact. These measures are analyzed by Op Actual Finish date and use the Sum aggregation.
Top Rptd Bad Qty by Work Center
Description: This report shows the top work centers in terms of Rptd Bad Qty. In this report, you can get the list of the work centers that have the highest Rptd Bad Qty and this indicates problem in the manufacturing process.
Measure: Rptd Bad Qty
Chart type: 1 data series bar chart
Column selector: Work Center, Department, Planning Area
Bottom Rptd Bad Qty by Work Center
Description: This report shows the bottom work centers in terms of Rptd Bad Qty. In this report, you can get the list of the work centers that have the lowest Rptd Bad Qty and this indicates an effective manufacturing process.
Measure: Rptd Bad Qty
Chart type: 1 data series bar chart
Column selector: Work Center, Department, Planning Area
Top Rptd Bad Qty by Product
Description: This report shows the top product in terms of Rptd Bad Qty. In this report, you can get the list of products that have the highest Rptd Bad Qty and this indicates problem in the manufacturing process.
Measure: Rptd Bad Qty
Chart type: 1 data series bar chart
Column selector: Item, Product Group, Item Group
Bottom Rptd Bad Qty by Product
Description: This report shows the bottom product in terms of Rptd Bad Qty. In this report, you can get the list of products that have the lowest Rptd Bad Qty and this indicates an effective manufacturing process.
Measure: Rptd Bad Qty
Chart type: 1 data series bar chart
Column selector: Item, Product Group, Item Group
Top Rejection Reason
Description: This report shows the top rejection reason encountered for produced Rptd Bad Qty. In this report, you can get an insight of the what are the most common reason in quality rejection.
Measure: Rptd Bad Qty
Chart type: 1 data series bar chart
Bottom Rejection Reason
Description: This report shows the bottom rejection reason encountered for produced Rptd Bad Qty. In this report, you can get an insight of the what are the least common reason in quality rejection.
Measure: Rptd Bad Qty
Chart type: 1 data series bar chart
Rptd Bad Qty by Shift and Period
Description: This report shows the reported bad quantity produced together with the days and shift. In this report, you can get an insight on what shift of a specific day an operation is producing bad quantity.
Measure: Rptd Bad Qty
Chart type: 1 data series heat map chart
Total Rptd Qty Breakdown by Period
Description: This report shows the breakdown of the total reported quantity over time. In this report, you can analyze the distribution of the total reported quantity per week. You can see if most of the quantity produced are of good or bad quantity.
Measure: Rptd Good Qty, Rptd Scrapped Qty, Rptd Rework Qty
Chart type: 3 data series stacked 100% column chart
Rptd Bad Qty vs Mach Run Disturb Hrs
Description: This report shows the reported bad quantity and machine run disturb hours. In this report, you can analyze how the machine run disturb hours affects the reported bad quantity. You can see if the machine run disturb hrs affects the inefficiency in producing a bad quantity.
Measure: Mach Run Disturb Hrs, Rptd Bad Qty
Chart type: 2 data series scatter chart
Column selector: Work Center, Department, Planning Area