Sales Manager - Margin reports
The reports Pct of Total by Product and Pct of Total by Customer use the Pct of Total – Measure filter for the measure to show in the report.
The measures used in Sales Manager - Margin reports are sourced from the Sales Analysis fact. These measures are analyzed by Invoice Date and use the Sum aggregation.
Pct of Total by Product
Description: This report shows the percentage of the Top N products based on the total of the products by the parameter-based measure.
Measure: Dynamic selection of measures with the Pct of Total – Measure filter (Invcd Net Amt – Company, Gross Profit 1 – Company, and Total Disc Amt – Company)
Chart type: 1 data series donut chart
Sales Margin by Period
Description: This report shows the trend for the sales margin percent in relation with trends for sales, gross profit, and costs of goods sold.
Measure: Gross Margin 1 Pct – Company, Invcd Net Amt – Company, Gross Profit 1 – Company, COGS Standard – Company
Chart type: 4 data series combo, 1 area chart on Y axis 1 and 3 spline chart on Y axis 2
Column selector: Year/Month, Year, Year/Quarter
Pct of Total by Customer
Description: This report shows the percentage of the Top N customers based on the total of the products by the parameter-based measure.
Measure: Dynamic selection of measures with the Pct of Total – Measure filter (Invcd Net Amt – Company, Gross Profit 1 – Company, and Total Disc Amt – Company)
Chart type: 1 data series donut chart
Invcd Amt Breakdown of Top Gross Profit 2
Description: This report shows the detailed breakdown of the Top N by items. Other attributes for analysis are available as column selectors.
Measure: Gross Profit 2 – Company, Total Disc Amt – Company, COGS Standard – Company, Total Net Cost – Company, Bonus and Comm Amt – Company
Chart type: 5 data series stacked 100% column chart
Column selector: Item Type, Salesperson, Credit Mgr
Top Sales Margin
Description: This report compares gross profit against invoiced net amount of the Top N by items. Other attributes for analysis are available as column selectors.
Measure: Gross Margin 1 Pct – Company, Invcd Net Amt – Company, Gross Profit 1 – Company
Chart type: 3 data series combo, 1 points chart on Y axis 1, and 2 grouped column chart on Y axis 2
Column selector: Item Type, Salesperson, Credit Mgr