Invoice Variance Details reports
The measures used in Invoice Variance Details reports are sourced from the AR Invoices fact. These measures are analyzed by Accounting Date and use the Sum aggregation.
Write-Off Analysis
Description: This report shows a three-dimensional chart for the relationship of the No. of Write-off Invoices, No. of Generated Invoices, and Write-Off vs Tot Order Invc Pct. The area of the bubble chart corresponds to the Write-Off vs Tot Order Invc Pct. You can use this report to analyze patterns and gain insights to improve invoice issuance to payers.
Measure: No. of Write-off Invoices, No. of Generated Invoices, Write-Off vs Tot Order Invc Pct
Chart type: 3 data series bubble chart
Partition: The Payer attribute is used as color to partition the chart.
Billback Analysis
Description: This report shows a three-dimensional chart for the relationship of the No. of Billback Invoices, No. of Generated Invoices, Billback vs Tot Order Invc Pct. The area of the bubble chart corresponds to the Billback vs Tot Order Inc Pct. You can use this report to analyze patterns and gain insights to improve invoice issuance to payers.
Measure: No. of Billback Invoices, No. of Generated Invoices, Billback vs Tot Order Invc Pct
Chart type: 3 data series bubble chart
Partition: The Payer attribute is used as color to partition the chart.
Debit Note Analysis
Description: This report shows a three-dimensional chart for the relationship of the No. of Debit Note Invoices, No. of Generated Invoices, and Debit Note vs Tot Order Invc Pct. The area of the bubble chart corresponds to the Debit Note vs Tot Order Invc Pct. You can use this report to analyze patterns and gain insights to improve invoice issuance to payers.
Measure: No. of Debit Note Invoices, No. of Generated Invoices, Debit Note vs Tot Order Invc Pct
Chart type: 3 data series bubble chart
Partition: The Payer attribute is used as color to partition the chart.
Invoice Variance Details
Description: This report shows the underlying factors that cause the invoice variances of a payer issuing and processing invoices to the company.
Measure: No. of Total Order Invc, Total Order Amt – Division, No. of Write-Off Invc, Write-Off Amt – Division, Write-Off vs Tot Order Invc Pct, Write-Off vs Tot Order Amt Pct, No. of Billback Invc, Billback Amt – Division, Billback vs Tot Order Invc Pct, Billback vs Tot Order Amt Pct, No. of Debit Note Invc, Debit Note Amt – Division, Debit Note vs Tot Order Invc Pct, Debit Note vs Tot Order Amt Pct
Chart type: Table