High Risk Payers reports
The measures used in High Risk Payers reports are sourced from the AR Balances fact. These measures are analyzed by Accounting Period Date and use the Sum aggregation. The data in each report is filtered by DSO codes 2 and 5 to limit the data to high risk payers.
High Risk Payers Analysis
Description: This report shows a three-dimensional chart for the relationship of the Payers Stopped Amount Percentage against their Overdue Amount Percentage and their DSO value. Use this report to analyze patterns and to gain insight to follow up high risk payers. The area of the bubble chart corresponds to the DSO value.
Measure: Stopped Amt Pct, Overdue Amt Pct, DSO Value
Chart type: 3 data series bubble chart
High Risk Payers by Period
Description: You can use this report to analyze the invoiced amount against payment, overdue, and stopped amounts by fiscal periods. It also analyzes the gap over time between the different financial operation amounts.
Measure: Invc Amt – Division, Pmt Amt – Division, Overdue Invc Amt – Division, Stopped Amt – Division
Chart type: 4 data series combo, 1 areaspline and 3 spline charts
High Risk Payers Details - Drillback
Description: This report shows the payers that have a DSO Code of 2 or 5 in a tabular report. In this report, you can see the underlying factors that make a payer high risk in providing payments to the company. DSO Summary and credit manager are also provided.
Measure: DSO Value, Invc Amt – Division, Pmt Amt – Division, Outstanding Amt – Division, Overdue Amt – Division, Stopped Amt – Division
Chart type: Table
Drill back to M3: Hyperlink Payer to ARS200/B