Overall Equipment Effectiveness - Performance reports
The measures used in Overall Equipment Effectiveness - Performance reports are sourced from the Overall Equipment Effectiveness fact. These measures are analyzed by Actual Finish and Op Actual Finish dates, and use the Sum aggregation.
Top Actual vs Plnd Cycle Time in Hrs Var by Work Center
Description: This report shows the top work centers in terms of actual vs planned cycle time in hours variance. In this report, you can get the list of the work centers that have the actual cycle time higher than what is planned that might indicate problems in the manufacturing process.
Measure: Actual vs Plnd Cycle Time in Hrs Var
Chart type: 1 data series bar chart
Column selector: Work Center, Department, Planning Area
Bottom Actual vs Plnd Cycle Time in Hrs Var by Work Center
Description: This report shows the bottom work centers in terms of actual vs planned cycle time in hours variance. In this report, you can get the list of the work centers that have the planned cycle time higher than the actual cycle time.
Measure: Actual vs Plnd Cycle Time in Hrs Var
Chart type: 1 data series bar chart
Column selector: Work Center, Department, Planning Area
Top Actual vs Plnd Cycle Time in Hrs Var by Product
Description: This report shows the top products in terms of actual vs planned cycle time in hours variance. In this report, you can get the list of the products that have the actual cycle time higher than what is planned that might indicate problems in the manufacturing process.
Measure: Actual vs Plnd Cycle Time in Hrs Var
Chart type: 1 data series bar chart
Column selector: Item, Product Group, Item Group
Bottom Actual vs Plnd Cycle Time in Hrs Var by Product
Description: This report shows the bottom products in terms of actual vs planned cycle time in hours variance. In this report, you can get the list of the products that have the planned cycle time higher than the actual cycle time.
Measure: Actual vs Plnd Cycle Time in Hrs Var
Chart type: 1 data series bar chart
Column selector: Item, Product Group, Item Group
Actual vs Plnd Cycle Time in Hrs by Period
Description: This report shows the comparison between the actual and planned cycle time in hours over time. In this report, you can analyze on what week the actual cycle time in hours is higher than the planned. The information gathered are useful in planning to better maximize the cycle time of an operation.
Measure: Actual Cycle Time in Hrs, Plnd Cycle Time in Hrs. The tooltip also shows Actual vs Plnd Cycle Time in Hrs Var.
Chart type: 2 data series area chart