Stock Valuation
The purpose of this model is to analyze the stock valuations done in M3 for all items and warehouses. The model provides quantities, valuations by type, and standard costs by costing component.
The model provides insight into these topics:
- Trends on costing structure and stock quantities
- Costing components for products and warehouses
- Different valuation types for products and warehouses
The Time dimension can be used for filtering the inventory valuation date. This dimension should not be used to analyze values by year, month, or date (in cases when two valuation rounds were done on the same date) because the values and quantities can only be aggregated up to each individual round.
Source information
This model is based on inventory valuation rounds created in Inventory Valuation.Open (CAS180) and is retrieved from the M3 tables, MMSVAH, and MMSVAD. Inventory valuation information, including quantities and values by valuation type, is made available.
To enhance the analysis, the model also calculates the cost value of each item using the standard cost generated during the product costing process in M3. The corresponding standard cost of each item is determined by matching the valuation date against the From and To costing dates retrieved from MCCOMA, MCCOML, and MCHEAD. In getting the costs from these sources, we are only considering these categories:
- Default configuration identity (VASE = <blank>)
- For non-manufactured items, those having blank structure type (STRT = <blank>)
- For manufactured items, those having the standard product structure type as specified in the M3A_StandardStructureType variable