AR Invoices

The Accounts Receivable (AR) Invoices model analyzes the company’s accounts receivable performance in terms of issuing invoices, identify issues in the business process and assist in improving operational efficiency. Aside from the internal business process, the model also provides an avenue to analyze the customer’s performance in terms of payment history, overdue amount, outstanding amount and payment variances. The model shows the payment amounts received from the customer, elapsed time and dates, and trends over time regardless of the reconciliation value.

The model supports analysis of these components:
  • Receivables index
  • Average days past due or follow up
  • Payments past due or follow up
  • Invoices or amounts by invoice type (billback, write-offs, etc.)
  • Number of record changes, payment reminders
The measures in this model can be analyzed by these dates:
  • Accounting Date
  • Invoice Date
  • Due Date
  • Payment Date
  • Follow-up Date
  • Int Recon Date

Source information

The main source for the AR Invoices model is the M3 BE table FSLEDG. AR Invoices can be displayed and managed within the Accounts Receivable.Display (ARS200) M3 program. The table is filtered by transaction code 10 and 20 to retrieve only invoices and payment transactions. The amounts retrieved from the table are in transaction currency. The division and third currency amount are retrieved from the FGLEDG table along with the FAM entry ID and FAM function. The additional information tables used in the model is the FGLEDX and FSLEDX. The FGLEDX table is used for the general ledger additional info to determine the reversed and non-reversed payments. The FSLEDX table is used for determining the invoice type. The model supports analysis at customer invoice level.