Overall Equipment Effectiveness Details report
The measures used in Overall Equipment Effectiveness Details report are sourced from the MO Operation Transactions and Overall Equipment Effectiveness facts. These measures are analyzed by Actual Finish and Op Actual Finish dates, and use the Sum aggregation.
Overall Equipment Effectiveness Details
Description: This report shows a detailed analysis of a work center's overall equipment effectiveness together with its different components: availability, performance, and quality. Other measures are also made available to support analysis of work center's OEE. The report is sorted ascendingly to highlight work center with low overall equipment effectiveness ratio.
Measure: Overall Equipment Effectiveness Ratio, Availability Ratio, Performance Ratio, Quality Ratio, Mach Run Non-Disturb Hrs, Mach Run Disturb Hrs, Plnd Production Hrs, Rptd Good Qty, Rptd Bad Qty, Potential Qty
Chart type: Table
Column selector: Work Center, Department, Planning Area