Stock Balance sourced measures and KPIs

This table shows the Stock Balance measures that are sourced directly in Data Warehouse.

Aggregations available are Avg, Max, Min, and Sum.


Measure Description
Annual Usage Qty Running year's usage quantity and is based on historical item statistics
Economic Order Qty Fixed order quantity that determines the amount of an item to be purchased or manufactured at one time
Min Order Qty Minimum allowed order quantity per warehouse or item
Max Order Qty Maximum allowed order quantity per warehouse or item
Min Remaining Qty Minimum quantity that should be left on a balance ID after a stock issue (allocation)
Qty on Order Indicates all firm planned orders and released orders quantity
Reserved Qty Contains all quantity reservations from the current date and forward
Allocated Qty Part of stock quantity that is marked to be used to RO, DO, and CO
Consignment OHB Inspection Qty On-hand balance quantity under inspection of goods under consignment
Consignment OHB Rejected Qty Rejected on-hand balance quantity of goods under consignment
Consignment OHB Qty On-hand balance quantity of goods under consignment
Fixed Annual Demand Qty Fixed annual demand quantity per warehouse or item
MRP On-hand Qty Material requirements planning on-hand balance quantity
Picking List Qty Order quantity that is currently on a picking list
OHB Qty for Inspection On-hand balance quantity under inspection per warehouse or item
Rejected OHB Qty Rejected on-hand balance quantity for each warehouse or item
Reserved to Backorder Qty Portion of the total reserved quantity which is delayed
Safety Stock Qty Buffer quantity which is only used during unexpected circumstances
Approved OHB Qty Total quantity of all balance identities with status 2 for each warehouse
Annual Demand Qty Annual demand quantity per warehouse or item
Avg OHB Qty Simulated average on-hand balance quantity based on the input data for the calculation

Net Weight

Measure Description
Annual Usage Net Weight Running year's usage quantity and is based on historical item statistics multiplied by the net weight
Economic Order Net Weight Fixed order quantity that determines the amount of an item to be purchased or manufactured at one time multiplied by the net weight
Min Order Net Weight Minimum allowed order quantity per warehouse or item multiplied by the net weight
Max Order Net Weight Maximum allowed order quantity per warehouse or item multiplied by the net weight
Min Remaining Net Weight Minimum quantity that should be left on a balance ID after a stock issue (allocation) multiplied by the net weight
Net Weight on Order Indicates all firm planned orders and released orders quantity multiplied by the net weight
Reserved Net Weight Contains all quantity reservations from the current date and forward multiplied by the net weight
Allocated Net Weight Part of stock quantity that is marked to be used to RO, DO, and CO multiplied by the net weight
Consignment OHB Inspection Net Weight On-hand balance quantity under inspection of goods under consignment multiplied by the net weight
Consignment OHB Rejected Net Weight Rejected on-hand balance quantity of goods under consignment multiplied by the net weight
Consignment OHB Net Weight On-hand balance quantity of goods under consignment multiplied by the net weight
Fixed Annual Demand Net Weight Fixed annual demand quantity per warehouse or item multiplied by the net weight
MRP On-hand Net Weight Material requirements planning on-hand balance quantity multiplied by the net weight
Picking List Net Weight Order quantity that is currently on a picking list multiplied by the net weight
OHB Net Weight for Inspection On-hand balance quantity under inspection per warehouse or item multiplied by the net weight
Rejected OHB Net Weight Rejected on-hand balance quantity for each warehouse/item multiplied by the net weight
Reserved to Backorder Net Weight Portion of the total reserved quantity which is delayed multiplied by the net weight
Safety Stock Net Weight Buffer quantity which is only used during unexpected circumstances multiplied by the net weight
Approved OHB Net Weight Total quantity of all balance identities with status 2 for each warehouse multiplied by the net weight
Annual Demand Net Weight Annual demand quantity per warehouse or item multiplied by the net weight
Avg OHB Net Weight Simulated average on-hand balance quantity based on the input data for the calculation multiplied by the net weight

Gross Weight

Measure Description
Annual Usage Gross Weight Running year's usage quantity and is based on historical item statistics multiplied by the gross weight
Economic Order Gross Weight Fixed order quantity that determines the amount of an item to be purchased or manufactured at one time multiplied by the gross weight
Min Order Gross Weight Minimum allowed order quantity per warehouse or item multiplied by the gross weight
Max Order Gross Weight Maximum allowed order quantity per warehouse or item multiplied by the gross weight
Min Remaining Gross Weight Minimum quantity that should be left on a balance ID after a stock issue (allocation) multiplied by the gross weight
Gross Weight on Order Indicates all firm planned orders and released orders quantity multiplied by the gross weight
Reserved Gross Weight Contains all quantity reservations from the current date and forward multiplied by the gross weight
Allocated Gross Weight Part of stock quantity that is marked to be used to RO, DO, and CO multiplied by the gross weight
Consignment OHB Inspection Gross Weight On-hand balance quantity under inspection of goods under consignment multiplied by the gross weight
Consignment OHB Rejected Gross Weight Rejected on-hand balance quantity of goods under consignment multiplied by the gross weight
Consignment OHB Gross Weight On-hand balance quantity of goods under consignment multiplied by the gross weight
Fixed Annual Demand Gross Weight Fixed annual demand quantity per warehouse or item multiplied by the gross weight
MRP On-hand Gross Weight Material requirements planning on-hand balance quantity multiplied by the gross weight
Picking List Gross Weight Order quantity that is currently on a picking list multiplied by the gross weight
OHB Gross Weight for Inspection On-hand balance quantity under inspection per warehouse or item multiplied by the gross weight
Rejected OHB Gross Weight Rejected on-hand balance quantity for each warehouse or item multiplied by the gross weight
Reserved to Backorder Gross Weight Portion of the total reserved quantity which is delayed multiplied by the gross weight
Safety Stock Gross Weight Buffer quantity which is only used during unexpected circumstances multiplied by the gross weight
Approved OHB Gross Weight Total quantity of all balance identities with status 2 for each warehouse multiplied by the gross weight
Annual Demand Gross Weight Annual demand quantity per warehouse or item multiplied by the gross weight
Avg OHB Gross Weight Simulated average on-hand balance quantity based on the input data for the calculation multiplied by the gross weight


Measure Description
Annual Usage Volume Running year's usage quantity and is based on historical item statistics multiplied by the volume
Economic Order Volume Fixed order quantity that determines the amount of an item to be purchased or manufactured at one time multiplied by the volume
Min Order Volume Minimum allowed order quantity per warehouse or item multiplied by the volume
Max Order Volume Maximum allowed order quantity per warehouse or item multiplied by the volume
Min Remaining Volume Minimum quantity that should be left on a balance ID after a stock issue (allocation) multiplied by the volume
Volume on Order Indicates all firm planned orders and released orders quantity multiplied by the volume
Reserved Volume Contains all quantity reservations from the current date and forward multiplied by the volume
Allocated Volume Part of stock quantity that is marked to be used to RO, DO, and CO multiplied by the volume
Consignment OHB Inspection Volume On-hand balance quantity under inspection of goods under consignment multiplied by the volume
Consignment OHB Rejected Volume Rejected on-hand balance quantity of goods under consignment multiplied by the volume
Consignment OHB Volume On-hand balance quantity of goods under consignment multiplied by the volume
Fixed Annual Demand Volume Fixed annual demand quantity per warehouse or item multiplied by the volume
MRP On-hand Volume Material requirements planning on-hand balance quantity multiplied by the volume
Picking List Volume Order quantity that is currently on a picking list multiplied by the volume
OHB Volume for Inspection On-hand balance quantity under inspection per warehouse or item multiplied by the volume
Rejected OHB Volume Rejected on-hand balance quantity for each warehouse or item multiplied by the volume
Reserved to Backorder Volume Portion of the total reserved quantity which is delayed multiplied by the volume
Safety Stock Volume Buffer quantity which is only used during unexpected circumstances multiplied by the volume
Approved OHB Volume Total quantity of all balance identities with status 2 for each warehouse multiplied by the volume
Annual Demand Volume Annual demand quantity per warehouse or item multiplied by the volume
Avg OHB Volume Simulated average on-hand balance quantity based on the input data for the calculation multiplied by the volume