Stock Valuation dashboard
The Stock Valuation dashboard analyzes the company's inventory using different valuation types.
By giving visibility of stock across warehouses, the dashboard helps finance managers understand inventory value over time.
This dashboard can answer these business questions:
- Are we holding inventory in the right places?
- Are there potential risks, for example, inventory levels are too high/low, in some countries?
- Do we have too much money tied up within inventory of product XYZ
Reports and KPIs
The dashboard contains these reports:
- Stock Valuation by Valuation Round and Date
- Top Inventory Value by Product
- Bottom Inventory Value by Product
- Stock Valuation Details
- Top Inventory Value by Warehouse
- Bottom Inventory Value by Warehouse
The dashboard also has these KPIs:
- Inv Value IAS2
- FIFO Amt
- LIFO Amt
- Average Amt
- Inventory Valuation Date
- Inventory Valuation Round
Inv Value IAS2 uses the Inventory Valuation Date as date basis for analysis. FIFO Amt, LIFO Amt, and Average Amt use the Stock Valuation Date. The Sum aggregation is used. Amounts are expressed in the company currency.
Currency information is also displayed on the dashboard.
- Facility
- Warehouse (Config. 1)
- Time (Config.1)
- Valuation Type
- Status
- Item (Config. 1)
- Last N Valuation Dates
- Ranking (Config. 2)
- Show N Records
The filters Ranking and Valuation Type are mandatory. The Ranking filter is applied in the dashboard to enable view of top and bottom report.
The embedded filter Last N Valuation Dates is applied to the report Stock Valuation by Valuation Round and Date. Use the slider under the report to adjust the number of valuations dates that are displayed.