Delivery Performance sourced measures and KPIs

This table shows the Delivery Performance measures that are sourced directly in Data Warehouse.

These measures can be analyzed by different time series. For the list of available time series measures, see Time.

Aggregations available are Avg, Max, Min, and Sum. For cases where this does not apply, the available aggregations are indicated in this table:

Measure Description
Order Qty Order quantity in basic unit of measure
Delivered Qty Quantity shipped to customer that has not been invoiced in basic unit of measure
Actual Del Qty True delivered quantity shipped from the company in basic unit of measure
Non-Del Qty Order quantity minus the actual delivered quantity
Invoiced Qty Invoiced quantity in basic unit of measure
Qty Difference Quantity difference in basic unit of measure
No. of Lines Number of order lines

Aggregations: Avg, Sum

No. of Deliveries Number of deliveries for an order line

Aggregation: Count Distinct

No. of Delivery Lines Number of delivery lines for an order line

Aggregation: Count Distinct

Lines Del as Req Qty Number of order lines with quantities that have been delivered as requested
Lines Rcvd as Del Qty Number of order lines where received quantity is equal to the shipped quantity, as reported in the POD process
Lines Invcd as Req Qty Number of order lines with quantities that have been invoiced as requested
Days Diff – Req and Confirmed Number of days between customer-requested date and confirmed date
Hrs Diff – Req and Confirmed Number of hours between customer-requested date and confirmed date
Min Diff – Req and Confirmed Number of minutes between customer-requested date and confirmed date
Days Diff – Departure and Actl Number of days between departure and actual delivery date
Hrs Diff – Departure and Actl Number of hours between departure and actual delivery date
Min Diff – Departure and Actl Number of minutes between departure and actual delivery date
Days Diff – Req and Actl Theoretical difference in days between requested and actual delivery dates
Hrs Diff – Req and Actl Theoretical difference in hours between requested and actual delivery dates
Min Diff – Req and Actl Theoretical difference in minutes between requested and actual delivery dates
Days Diff – Req and Orig Confirmed Number of days between customer-requested date and original confirmed date
Days Diff – Orig Req and Actl Theoretical difference in days between original requested and actual delivery dates
Order Cycle Time – Days Number of days between order line registration and actual delivery date
Order Cycle Time – Hrs Number of hours between order line registration and actual delivery date
Order Cycle Time – Min Number of minutes between order line registration and actual delivery date