Stock Profile Analysis reports
The measures used in Stock Profile Analysis reports are sourced from the Stock Statistics fact. These measures are analyzed by Statistics Period Date and use the Sum aggregation.
Stock Movement by Warehouse
Description: This report analyzes the stock movement. It shows a three-dimensional chart for the relationship of the Outgoing Stock, Incoming Stock, and Abs(Stock Change). The area of the bubble chart corresponds to Abs(Stock Change). Using this report, you can gain insight on the movement of stocks per warehouse and determine which warehouse has high stock change. Having high stock change indicates inefficient stock movement in a warehouse.
Measure: Outgoing Stock, Incoming Stock, Abs(Stock Change) (Size). The tooltip also shows Stock Change.
Chart type: 3 data series bubble chart
Partition: The Warehouse attribute is used as color to partition the chart.
Stock Profile Analysis by Warehouse
Description: This report shows the stock profile analysis details in tabular format. In this report, you can see the stock profile by warehouse.
Measure: Opening Balance, Closing Balance, Incoming Stock, Outgoing Stock, Stock Change, Stock Change Pct
Chart type: Table
Stock Movement by Product
Description: This report analyzes the stock movement. It shows a three-dimensional chart for the relationship of the Outgoing Stock, Incoming Stock, and Abs(Stock Change). The area of the bubble chart corresponds to Abs(Stock Change). Using this report, you can gain insight on the movement of stocks per product groups and determine which product group has high stock change. Having high stock change indicates inefficient stock movement for a product.
Measure: Outgoing Stock, Incoming Stock, Abs(Stock Change) (Size). The tooltip also shows Stock Change.
Chart type: 3 data series bubble chart
Partition: The Product Group attribute is used as color to partition the chart.
Stock Profile Analysis by Product
Description: This report shows the stock profile analysis details in tabular format. In this report, you can see the stock profile by product.
Measure: Opening Balance, Closing Balance, Incoming Stock, Outgoing Stock, Stock Change, Stock Change Pct
Chart type: Table