Stock Valuation reports

The measures used in Stock Valuation reports are sourced from the Stock Valuation fact. These measures are analyzed by Inventory Valuation Date and use the Sum aggregation.

Stock Valuation by Valuation Round and Date

Description: This report shows the trend analysis of the Inventory Value (IAS2) over the available Stock Valuation Dates. This report is used to analyze the increase or decrease in the inventory value over a certain period.

Measure: Inv Value IAS2 – Company

Chart type: 1 data series column chart

Partition: If more than one valuation round has occurred on the same date, the column will be partitioned by the attribute Inventory Valuation Round to avoid adding valuation rounds.

Top Inventory Value by Product

Description: This report shows the products with the highest Inventory Value (IAS2). You can use the column selector to change the category displayed to Product Group, Item Group, or Item.

Measure: Inv Value IAS2 – Company

Chart type: 1 data series bar chart

Column selector: Product Group, Item Group, Item

Bottom Inventory Value by Product

Description: This table shows the products with the lowest Inventory Value (IAS2). You can use the column selector to change the category displayed to Product Group, Item Group, or Item.

Measure: Inv Value IAS2 – Company

Chart type: 1 data series bar chart

Column selector: Product Group, Item Group, Item

Stock Valuation Details

Description: This report shows a detailed list of the selected inventory valuation round, their inventory valuation date, value-based and cost-based measures and Warehouse.

Measure: Inv Value IAS2 – Company, FIFO Amt – Company, LIFO Amt – Company, Average Amt – Company

Chart type: Table

Bottom Inventory Value by Warehouse

Description: This table shows the warehouses with the lowest Inventory Value (IAS2).

Measure: Inv Value IAS2 – Company

Chart type: 1 data series bar chart

Top Inventory Value by Warehouse

Description: This table shows the warehouses with the highest Inventory Value (IAS2).

Measure: Inv Value IAS2 – Company

Chart type: 1 data series bar chart