Contract Profitability
The Contract Profitability model is designed to provide insights into the overall profitability of your service centers. The model captures revenue and cost, and allows for further analysis of fixed amounts and line amounts. Revenue and cost can also be analyzed by its components, namely, time, material, subcontracting, and miscellaneous.
The model provides insights into these topics:
Profitability trends
Top/Bottom revenue generating customers and maintenance agreement
Margin breakdown
Source information
The Contract Profitability model is based on customer and payer transaction. The transactions are captured in the statistical table ACUAPS in M3 BE.
The table is populated when invoicing transactions are created by CSO986Fnc program, called by COS183, COS373, and COS985S2. The project is captured from the agreement header.
The model is at period level and uses Fiscal Period.