Warranty Claims sourced measures and KPIs

This table shows the Warranty Claims measures that are sourced directly in Data Warehouse.

These measures can be analyzed by different time series. These time series are available:

  • Month Ago
  • Quarter Ago
  • Quarter-To-date
  • Trailing 12 Months
  • Trailing 3 Months
  • Year Ago
  • Year-To-date

Available aggregations for the measures are Avg, Max, Min, and Sum.

Measure Description
Claim Amt – Labor The labor amount for the claim in the division currency
Claim Amt – Misc The miscellaneous amount for the claim in the division currency
Claim Amt – Parts The parts amount for the claim in the division currency
Claim Amt – Subc The subcontract amount for the claim in the division currency
Claim Amt – Travel Time The travel time amount for the claim in the division currency
Claim Amt – Vehicle Misc The vehicle miscellaneous amount for the claim in the division currency
Claim vs Settlement Var – Labor The labor amount for claim minus the labor amount for settlement
Claim vs Settlement Var – Misc The miscellaneous amount for claim minus the miscellaneous amount for settlement
Claim vs Settlement Var – Parts The parts amount for claim minus the parts amount for settlement
Claim vs Settlement Var – Subc The subcontract amount for claim minus the subcontract amount for settlement
Claim vs Settlement Var – Travel Time The travel time amount for claim minus the travel time amount for settlement
Claim vs Settlement Var – Vehicle Misc The vehicle miscellaneous amount for claim minus the vehicle miscellaneous amount for settlement
Settlement Amt – Labor The labor amount for the settlement in the division currency
Settlement Amt – Misc The miscellaneous amount for the settlement in the division currency
Settlement Amt – Parts The parts amount for the settlement in the division currency
Settlement Amt – Subc The subcontract amount for the settlement in the division currency
Settlement Amt – Travel Time The travel time amount for the settlement in the division currency
Settlement Amt – Vehicle Misc The vehicle miscellaneous amount for the settlement in the division currency
Total Claim Amt The sum of labor, travel time, parts, subcontract, miscellaneous, and vehicle miscellaneous amounts for the claim
Total Claim vs Settlement Var The total amount for claim minus the total amount for settlement
Total Settlement Amt The sum of labor, travel time, parts, subcontract, miscellaneous, and vehicle miscellaneous amounts for the settlement
Total Warranty Amt The sum of labor, travel time, parts, subcontract, miscellaneous, and vehicle miscellaneous amounts for the warranty
Warranty Amt – Labor The labor amount for the warranty in the division currency
Warranty Amt – Misc The miscellaneous amount for the warranty in the division currency
Warranty Amt – Parts The parts amount for the warranty in the division currency
Warranty Amt – Subc The subcontract amount for the warranty in the division currency
Warranty Amt – Travel Time The travel time amount for the warranty in the division currency
Warranty Amt – Vehicle Misc The vehicle miscellaneous amount for the warranty in the division currency