Purchase Price Variances sourced measures and KPIs

This table shows the Purchase Price Variances measures that are sourced directly in Data Warehouse.

These measures can be analyzed by different time series. These time series are available:

  • Month Ago
  • Quarter Ago
  • Quarter-To-date
  • Trailing 12 Months
  • Trailing 3 Months
  • Year Ago
  • Year-To-date

Available aggregations for the measures are Avg, Max, Min, and Sum.

Measure Description
Exch Rate Gain Accounting rule PP10-301 amount, which is created if the exchange rate of the PO causes a gain in the standard cost calculation
Exch Rate Loss Accounting rule PP10-302 amount, which is created if the exchange rate of the PO causes a loss in the standard cost calculation
Fictive Inv Net Value Accounting rule PP10-903 amount, which is the net total value of the purchase order line for non-inventory items
Invcd Qty – Internal Acctg Quantity as recorded in internal accounting in basic unit of measure
Invcd Qty – Invoice Acctg Invoiced quantity in basic unit of measure
Invoice Amt Accounted amount in the division currency
Neg Var Amt Negative recorded amount in the division currency with accounting information type not equal to 10, 20 or 30
Order Charge Amt Recorded amount in the division currency with accounting information type equal to 30
PO Line Charge Var Accounting rule PP10-228 amount, which is the difference between the PO line and the inventory cost charges
PO Line Ext Charge Accounting rule PP10-226 amount, which is the external line charges
PO Line Int Charge Accounting rule PP10-251 amount, which is the internal line charges
PO Line Net Value Accounting rule PP10-225 amount, which is the net total value of the purchase order line
PO Line Net Value Var Accounting rule PP10-227 amount, which is the difference between the net total value of the PO line and the inventory value
PO Net Value Var Accounting rule PP10-911 amount, which is the difference between the net value of the PO and the inventory value
Pos Var Amt Positive recorded amount in the division currency with accounting information type not equal to 10, 20 or 30
Purch Order Amt Recorded amount in the division currency with accounting information type, either 10 or 20
Standard Cost Accounting rule PP10-910 amount, which is the total of the inventory value and the charges based on the inventory accounting method of the item
Total PO Cost Sum of PO line net value, PO line internal and external charges, and exchange rate gain and loss
Total PO Var Sum of PO net value variance, PO line net value variance, and PO line charge variance
Total Standard Cost Sum of standard cost and inventory fictive net price
Variance Amt Recorded amount in the division currency with accounting information type not equal to 10, 20, or 30