Operation Analysis calculated measures and KPIs
This table shows the Operation Analysis measures that are calculated and defined as saved expressions.
The saved expressions use the actual finish date and sum aggregation.
Measure | Description |
Actual vs Plnd Labor Hrs Pct | Actual labor hours divided by the planned labor hours |
Actual vs Plnd Labor Hrs Var Pct | Variance between actual and planned labor hours divided by the planned labor hours |
Actual vs Plnd Mach Hrs Pct | Actual machine hours divided by the planned machine hours |
Actual vs Plnd Mach Hrs Var Pct | Variance between actual and planned machine hours divided by the planned machine hours |
Avg Hours – Actual Mach Setup | Actual machine setup hours divided by the number of operations |
Avg Hours – Plnd Mach Setup | Planned machine setup hours divided by the number of operations |
Avg Hrs Diff – Actual Start and Finish | Working hours between the actual start and finish dates divided by the number of operations |
Avg Hrs Diff – Plnd and Actual Finish | Working hours between the planned and actual finish dates divided by the number of operations |
Avg Hrs Diff – Plnd and Actual Start | Working hours between the planned and actual start dates divided by the number of operations |
Labor Throughput per Hour | Manufactured quantity divided by the actual labor run time |
Mach Throughput per Hour | Manufactured quantity divided by the actual machine run time |
Mfd vs Order Qty Pct | Manufactured quantity divided by the order quantity |
Mfd vs Order Qty Var Pct | Variance between manufactured and order quantities divided by the order quantity |
Operations Finished in Time Pct | Operations finished in time divided by the number of operations |
Operations Started in Time Pct | Operations started in time divided by the number of operations |
Plnd Labor Throughput per Hour | Manufactured quantity divided by the planned labor run time |
Plnd Mach Throughput per Hour | Manufactured quantity divided by the planned machine run hours |
Scrapped vs Mfd Qty Pct | Scrapped quantity divided by the manufactured quantity |
Total Plnd Scrap vs Mfd Qty Pct | Total planned scrap quantity divided by the manufactured quantity |