Order Costing calculated measures and KPIs

This table shows the Order Costing measures that are calculated and defined as saved expressions.

The saved expressions use the finish date and sum aggregation.

Order Costing

Measure Description
Actual vs Standard Cost Pct Actual cost divided by the standard cost
Actual vs Standard Cost Var Actual cost minus the standard cost in the division currency
Actual vs Standard Cost Var Pct Actual versus standard cost variance divided by the standard cost
Scrap vs Standard Cost Pct Scrap cost divided by the standard cost

Order Costing Header

Measure Description
Actual Cost per Unit Actual cost divided by the manufactured quantity in basic unit of measure
Scrapped vs Mfd Qty Pct Scrapped quantity divided by the manufactured quantity
Standard Cost per Unit Total actual issued quantity of all materials used in manufacturing the product
Total Actual vs Standard Qty Pct Total actual quantity divided by the total standard quantity