Operation Analysis sourced measures and KPIs
This table shows the Operation Analysis measures that are sourced directly in Data Warehouse.
These measures can be analyzed by different time series. These time series are available:
- Month Ago
- Quarter Ago
- Quarter-To-date
- Trailing 12 Months
- Trailing 3 Months
- Year Ago
- Year-To-date
Most measures have Avg, Max, Min, and Sum aggregations. For cases where this does not apply, the available aggregations are indicated in this table:
Measure |
Description |
Actual vs Plnd Labor Hrs Var | Actual labor hours minus the planned labor hours |
Actual vs Plnd Mach Hrs Var | Actual machine hours minus the planned machine hours |
Hours Diff – Actual Start and Finish | Number of hours between the actual start and finish dates |
Hours Diff – Plnd and Actual Finish | Number of hours between the planned and actual finish dates |
Hours Diff – Plnd and Actual Start | Number of hours between the planned and actual start dates |
Labor Hrs | Sum of labor setup time and run time |
Labor Run Hrs | Reported man-hours used during the manufacturing operation |
Labor Setup Hrs | Reported man-hours used for setup and preparations before an operation begins |
Mach Run Hrs | Reported machine or process time used during the manufacturing operation |
Mach Setup Hrs | Reported machine or process time used for setup and preparations before an operation begins |
Machine Hrs | Sum of machine setup time and run time |
Manufactured Qty | Manufactured quantity for each order and operation in basic unit of measure |
Mfd Qty Finished in Time | Quantity manufactured on or prior to the planned finish date and time |
Mfd Qty Started in Time | Quantity whose operation has begun on or prior to the planned start date and time |
Mfd vs Order Qty Var | Manufactured quantity minus order quantity |
No. of Operations | Number of operations Aggregation: Sum |
No. of Production Lots | Number of production lots |
Operations Finished in Time | Number of operations that have been completed on or prior to the
planned date Aggregations: Avg, Sum |
Operations Started in Time | Number of operations that have been started on or prior to the
planned date Aggregations: Avg, Sum |
Order Qty | Order quantity in basic unit of measure |
Plnd Labor Hrs | Sum of planned labor setup time and run time |
Plnd Labor Run Hrs | Number of man-hours required to fulfill the order quantity |
Plnd Labor Setup Hrs | Number of man-hours required for setup and preparations before an operation can begin |
Plnd Mach Hrs | Sum of planned machine setup time and run time |
Plnd Mach Run Hrs | Number of machine hours required to fulfill the order quantity |
Plnd Mach Setup Hrs | Number of hours required for setup and preparations before an operation can begin |
Plnd Scrap Qty | Order quantity in basic unit of measure multiplied by the scrap percentage |
Reworked Qty | Reworked quantity in basic unit of measure |
Scrapped Qty | Scrapped quantity for each operation in basic unit of measure |
Setup Scrap Qty | Extra material quantity in basic unit of measure that will be used for the setup work |
Total Plnd Scrap Qty | Sum of planned scrap and setup scrap quantities in basic unit of measure |
Work Days Diff – Actual Start and Finish | Number of working days between the actual start and finish dates |
Work Days Diff – Plnd and Actual Finish | Number of working days between the planned and actual finish dates |
Work Days Diff – Plnd and Actual Start | Number of working days between the planned and actual start dates |
Work Hrs Diff – Actual Start and Finish | Number of working hours between the actual start and finish dates |
Work Hrs Diff – Plnd and Actual Finish | Number of working hours between the planned and actual finish dates |
Work Hrs Diff – Plnd and Actual Start | Number of working hours between the planned and actual start dates |