Sales Analysis reports
KPI Charts
Report | Measure |
COGS Standard Trend | COGS Standard |
Gross Margin 1 Pct Trend | Gross Margin 1 Pct |
Gross Profit 1 Trend | Gross Profit 1 |
Invcd Net Amt Trend | Invcd Net Amt |
The Pct of Total reports use the Pct of Total – Measure filter to change measures. The reports are defaulted to show Invcd Net Amt.
Report | Measure | Comment |
Invoiced Amount Breakdown |
Bonus and Commission Amt COGS Standard Gross Profit 2 Total Disc Amt Total Net Cost |
Column selector attributes: Salesperson Country Credit Department Item Type |
Invoiced Amount Breakdown Details |
Bonus and Commission Amt COGS Standard Gross Profit 2 Invcd Gross Amt Total Disc Amt Total Net Cost Gross Margin 2 Pct |
Column selector attributes: Salesperson Country Credit Department Item Type |
Pct of Total by Customer |
Invcd Net Amt Gross Profit 1 Invcd Gross Amt Total Disc Amt |
Column selector attributes: Customer Salesperson Customer Group District |
Pct of Total by Product |
Invcd Net Amt Gross Profit 1 Invcd Gross Amt Total Disc Amt |
Column selector attributes: Item Item Type Business Area Product Group Item Group |
Ad hoc reports
Ad hoc filters are provided for measures and attributes.
Report | Measure | Comment |
Dynamic Cross Table |
Invcd Gross Amt Invcd Net Amt Total Disc Amt Gross Profit 1 Gross Profit 2 COGS Standard Bonus & Commission Amt Invoiced Qty No. of Lines Promoted Promotional Disc Amt |
Ad Hoc attributes (row): Customer Customer Group Salesperson Item Item Group Business Area Promotion Ad Hoc attribute (column): Month Country Sales Origin |
Dynamic Metric History |
Invcd Gross Amt Invcd Net Amt Total Disc Amt Gross Profit 1 Gross profit 2 COGS Standard Bonus & Commission Amt Invoiced Qty No. of Lines Promoted Promotional Disc Amt |
Ad hoc |
Dynamic Metric Ranking |
Invcd Gross Amt Invcd Net Amt Total Disc Amt Gross Profit 1 Gross profit 2 COGS Standard Bonus & Commission Amt Invoiced Qty No. of Lines Promoted Promotional Disc Amt |
Ad Hoc attributes: Customer Customer Group Salesperson Item Item Group Business Area Promotion |