Stock Valuation dashboard
The Stock Valuation dashboard analyzes the company's inventory by using different valuation types. By giving visibility of stock across warehouses, the dashboard helps finance managers understand risks and write-downs, comparing quantities and costing breakdowns over time.
This dashboard can answer business questions such as:
- Are we holding inventory in the right places?
- Do we have obsolete stock that we need to write-off?
- Are there potential risks, for example, inventory levels too high/low, in some countries?
The dashboard consists of KPIs for FIFO Amt, LIFO Amt, Average Amt, Inv Value – IAS2, and Inv Value – Sales Value. These KPIs show the last non-empty values for an inventory valuation round. In addition, the dashboard also includes these reports:
KPI Charts:
- FIFO Amt Trend
- LIFO Amt Trend
- Average Amt Trend
- Inv Value – IAS2 Trend
- Inv Value – Sales Value Trend
These KPI charts show the trend for the previous 5 inventory valuation rounds counting from the selected inventory valuation round.
- Quantity
- Quantity Details
- Costing Component
- Costing Component Details
You can filter the data by using these standard filters:
- Division
- Facility
- Warehouse
- Inventory Valuation Year
- Inventory Valuation Round
- Order Costing Level
- Item
The Inventory Valuation Year filter does not directly affect the KPIs and reports but is used to limit and control the Inventory Valuation Round filter. The Ranking filter is applied to the reports Quantity and Costing Component. You can use this to limit the charts to show Top/Bottom N records and automatically update the sorting.
The additional filters Dimension 1 and Measure provide ad hoc reporting functionality. By using the Dimension 1 filter, you can change the attribute displayed for all four reports. With the Measure filter, you can change the measure used by the Quantity report.
Source information and reports are documented in the Stock Valuation section.