Operation Analysis reports

KPI Charts

Report Measure
Manufactured Qty Trend Manufactured Qty
Mfd vs Order Qty Var Trend Mfd vs Order Qty Var
Order Qty Trend Order Qty
Scrapped Qty Trend Scrapped Qty


The reports Labor Time by Period and Machine Time by Period give the user the option to display either total hours, run hours or setup hours by using the Measure Type filter. The reports are defaulted to show total hours.

Report Measure Comments
Labor Time by Period

Plnd Labor Hrs

Plnd Labor Run Hrs

Plnd Labor Setup Hrs

Labor Hrs

Labor Run Hrs

Labor Setup Hrs

Machine Time by Period

Plnd Mach Hrs

Plnd Mach Run Hrs

Plnd Mach Setup Hrs

Machine Hrs

Mach Run Hrs

Mach Setup Hrs

Operation Accuracy Operations Finished in Time

No. of Operations

Column selector attributes:

Work Center

Item type

Throughput by Period Mach Throughput per Hour

Labor Throughput per Hour