Credit Management Performance calculated measures and KPIs

This table shows the Credit Management Performance measures that are calculated and defined as saved expressions.

The expressions are based on sum aggregation. Days Receivable measures uses max aggregation in the expression.

Measure Description
Avg Days – Adj Due and Pmt The number of days between the adjusted due date and payment date divided by the number of payments after the adjusted due date
Avg Days – Adj Follow up and Pmt The number of days between the adjusted follow-up date and payment date divided by the number of payments after the adjusted follow-up date
Avg Days – Due and Pmt The number of days between due date and payment date divided by the number of payments after the due date
Avg Days – Follow up and Pmt The number of days between follow-up date and payment date divided by the number of payments after the follow-up date
Avg Days – Invoice and Pmt The number of days between the invoice date and payment date divided by the number of payments
Avg Pmt Past Adj Due Date The amount paid past the adjusted due date in the division currency divided by the number of payments after the adjusted due date
Avg Pmt Past Adj Follow up The amount paid past the adjusted follow-up date in the division currency divided by the number of payments after the adjusted follow-up date
Avg Pmt Past Due Date The amount paid past the due date in the division currency divided by the number of payments after the due date
Avg Pmt Past Follow up The amount paid past the follow-up date in the division currency divided by the number of payments after the follow-up date
Avg Weighted Pmt The weighted payment divided by the number of invoices
Credit Limit 1 Util Pct The overdue invoice amount in the foreign currency divided by the payer's credit limit 1 amount
Credit Limit 2 Util Pct The outstanding amount in the foreign currency divided by the payer's credit limit 2 amount
Credit Limit 3 Util Pct The sum of outstanding and open order amounts in the foreign currency divided by the payer's credit limit 3 amount
Daily Avg Pmt – Adj Due Date The amount paid by day past the adjusted due date in the division currency divided by the number of days between the adjusted due date and payment date
Daily Avg Pmt – Adj Follow up Date The amount paid by day past the adjusted follow-up date in the division currency divided by the number of days between the adjusted follow-up date and payment date
Daily Avg Pmt – Due Date The amount paid by day past due date in the division currency divided by the number of days between due date and payment date
Daily Avg Pmt – Follow up Date The amount paid by day past the follow-up date in the division currency divided by the number of days between follow-up date and payment date
Daily Avg Pmt – Invoice and Pmt The amount paid by day between the invoice and payment dates in the division currency divided by the number of days between the invoice and payment dates
Days Receivable Outstanding amount divided by the total sales multiplied by the number of days for the period
Outstanding Undisputed The running total of outstanding amount minus the overdue invoice amount and stopped amount in the division currency
Outstanding Undisputed – For Curr The running total of outstanding amount minus the overdue invoice amount and stopped amount in the foreign currency
Outstanding Undisputed Pct Outstanding undisputed amount divided by the outstanding amount in the division currency
Overdue Amt Pct Overdue invoice amount divided by the outstanding amount in the division currency
Receivable Turnover The total sales for the period divided by the outstanding amount
Stopped Amt Pct Stopped amount divided by the outstanding amount in the division currency