Quality Inspection reports
KPI Charts
Report | Measure |
Insp & Rej vs Rcvd Qty Trend | Insp and Rej vs Rcvd Qty Pct |
Inspected Qty Trend | Inspected Qty |
Received Qty Trend | Received Qty |
Rejected Qty Trend | Rejected Qty |
Report | Measure | Comments |
Average Wait Time by Period | No. of Receipts Avg Waiting Time per Receipt in Days |
Overview of Quality Inspection | No. of Receipts Received Qty Inspected Qty |
Measures are available as column selectors. |
Quality Inspection | Inspected Qty Received Qty |
Column selector attributes:
Item Type Supplier Group Buyer Year |
Rejection Pct | No. of Receipts Lines with Rejection Pct |
Column selector attributes:
Item Type Supplier Group Buyer Year |