Stock Transaction Statistics
The model Stock Transaction Statistics analyzes stock transaction statistics of items and warehouses.
The model provides insights into these topics:
- Trends in turnover, stock level and scrapped stock
- Actuals and planned comparisons
- Sold and forecasted comparisons
The solution gives analysis from various dimensions such as warehouse, items, and calendar.
Source information
The main source for the model is Stock Transactions Statistics (MITSTA). The needed measures to calculate quantities expressed in weight and volumes are fetched from the Item master (MITMAS). Current cost values and average cost from the Item and facility table (MITFAC) are used to calculate comparison values. Annual Usage, basis for the Yearly Turnover calculated measures, are retrieved from MITBAL.
If the entire table is reloaded from M3 BE, cost values from the current values in the Item and facility table must also be reloaded. These values may not be the same as the ones that existed during the initial load. This also applies to the MITBAL table.
To populate MITSTA, specific batch functions must be executed. The function RPS 620 is needed to populate measures based on Annual demand quantity, Forecast quantity, or Planned quantity. Planned quantities need to be captured timely and in advance since they are based on material plan information. Also, the function MMS805 is needed to populate measures based on Average OHB quantity.
Manufacturing period dimension is used to analyze the statistics by the year level to the period level.