Invoice Accuracy calculated measures and KPIs
This table shows the Invoice Accuracy measures that are calculated and defined as saved expressions.
The saved expressions use the payment date and sum aggregation.
Measure | Description |
Adj vs Tot Order Amt Pct | The amount of adjustment invoices divided by the amount of order invoices |
Adj vs Tot Order Invc Pct | The number of adjustment invoices divided by the number of order invoices |
ARC Amt Pct | The amount of adjustment, return, and corrective invoices divided by the invoice amount |
ARC Invc Pct | The number of adjustment, return, and corrective invoices divided by the number of invoices |
Billback vs Tot Order Amt Pct | The amount of billback invoices divided by the amount of order invoices |
Billback vs Tot Order Invc Pct | The number of billback invoices divided by the number of order invoices |
Bonus and Comm vs Tot Order Amt Pct | The amount of bonus and commission invoices divided by the amount of order invoices |
Bonus and Comm vs Tot Order Invc Pct | The number of bonus and commission invoices divided by the number of order invoices |
Corrected Invc Pct | The number of corrected invoices divided by the number of invoices |
Corrected Invc Amt Pct | The amount of corrected invoices divided by the invoice amount |
Corrective Invc Pct | The number of corrective invoices divided by the number of invoices |
Corrective Invc Amt Pct | The amount of corrective invoices divided by the invoice amount |
Debit Note vs Tot Order Amt Pct | The amount of debit note invoices divided by the amount of order invoices |
Debit Note vs Tot Order Invc Pct | The number of debit note invoices divided by the number of order invoices |
Invoices w Ded Pct | The number of invoices with deductions divided by the number of invoices |
Invoices w Var Pct | The number of invoices with variances divided by the number of invoices |
Invoices wo Ded Pct | The number of invoices without deductions divided by the number of invoices |
Invoices wo Var Pct | The number of invoices without variances divided by the number of invoices |
Manual Amt Pct | The amount of manual invoices divided by the invoice amount |
Manual Invc Pct | The number of manual invoices divided by the number of invoices |
Norm Order vs Tot Order Amt Pct | The amount of normal order invoices divided by the amount of order invoices |
Norm Order vs Tot Order Invc Pct | The number of normal orders invoices divided by the number of order invoices |
Pmt w Ded Pct | The number of payments with deductions divided by the number of payments |
Pmt wo Ded Pct | The number of payments without deductions divided by the number of payments |
Return vs Tot Order Amt Pct | The amount of return invoices divided by the amount of order invoices |
Return vs Tot Order Invc Pct | The number of return invoices divided by the number of order invoices |
Total Var vs Tot Order Amt Pct | The total variance amount divided by the amount of order invoices |
Write Off vs Tot Order Amt Pct | The amount of write-off invoices divided by the amount of order invoices |
Write Off vs Tot Order Invc Pct | The number of write-off invoices divided by the number of order invoices |