Work Center Utilization sourced measures and KPIs
This table shows the Work Center Utilization measures that are sourced directly in Data Warehouse.
Available aggregations for the measures are Avg, Max, Min, and Sum.
Measure | Description |
Adjusted Capacity | Planned work center capacity excluding maintenance time and disturbance time |
Disturbance Time in Hrs | Total production and setup hours that is reported with disturbances |
Labor Capacity in Hrs | Total labor capacity in hours for the period as specified when creating the daily capacity of the work center |
Mach Capacity in Hrs | Total machine capacity in hours for the period as specified when creating the daily capacity of the work center |
Maintenance Time in Hrs | Total maintenance hours of the work center for the period |
Manufactured Qty | Total manufactured quantity for the period in basic unit of measure |
Mfd vs Order Qty Var | The difference between manufactured quantity and ordered quantity |
No. of Finished MOs | Number of finished manufacturing orders for the period |
No. of Maintenance Reports | Number of operation reports with maintenance time |
No. of Stop Reports | Number of operation reports with disturbances such as interruptions |
Order Qty | Total order quantity for the period when the statistics were created in basic unit of measure |
Stop Time in Hrs | Total production and setup hours reported with a disturbance regarding a stop in production |
Total Capacity in Hrs | Capacity in hours of the work center for the period |
Total Hours | Sum of actual setup time and run time of the work center relative to capacity type |
Total Labor Hrs | Sum of actual labor setup time, run time, and stop time for the period |
Total Labor Run Hrs | Total labor run time used for the period in hours |
Total Labor Setup Hrs | Total labor setup time used for the period in hours |
Total Mach Run Hrs | Total machine run time used for the period in hours |
Total Mach Setup Hrs | Total machine setup time used for the period in hours |
Total Machine Hrs | Sum of actual machine setup time, run time, and stop time for the period |
Total Planned Hrs | Sum of planned setup time and run time of the work center relative to capacity type |
Total Planned Labor Hrs | Sum of planned labor setup time and run time for the period |
Total Planned Labor Run Hrs | Total planned labor run time for the period in hours |
Total Planned Labor Setup Hrs | Total planned labor setup time for the period in hours |
Total Planned Mach Hrs | Sum of planned machine setup time and run time for the period |
Total Planned Mach Run Hrs | Total planned machine run time for the period in hours |
Total Planned Mach Setup Hrs | Total planned machine setup time for the period in hours |
Total Run Hrs | Total actual run time of the work center relative to capacity type |
Total Setup Hrs | Total actual setup time of the work center relative to capacity type |