Procurement Analysis calculated measures and KPIs
This table shows the Procurement Analysis measures that are calculated and defined as saved expressions.
The saved expressions use the invoice date and sum aggregation.
Measure | Description |
Avg Days Diff – Order and Rcvd | Goods receiving days between order and received dates divided by the number of lines |
Invcd Appr vs Insp Qty Pct | Approved quantity in invoice divided by the inspected quantity |
Invcd Rejected vs Rcvd Qty Pct | Rejected quantity in invoice divided by the received quantity |
Lines in Time and Qty as Req Pct | Number of lines in time and quantity as requested divided by the number of lines |
Lines on Time and Qty as Req Pct | Number of lines on time and with the quantity as requested divided by the number of lines |
Lines Qty as Conf Pct | Number of lines where the received quantity is equal to the confirmed quantity divided by the number of lines |
Lines Qty as Req Pct | Number of lines where the received quantity is equal to the requested quantity divided by the number of lines |
Lines Qty Rcvd Less than Conf Pct | Number of lines where the received quantity is less than the confirmed quantity divided by the number of lines |
Lines Qty Rcvd Less than Req Pct | Number of lines where the received quantity is less than the requested quantity divided by the number of lines |
Lines Qty Rcvd More than Conf Pct | Number of lines with an overshipped quantity compared to the confirmed quantity divided by the number of lines |
Lines Qty Rcvd More than Req Pct | Number of lines with an overshipped quantity compared to the requested quantity divided by the number of lines |
Lines with Agreement Pct | Number of lines with agreement divided by the number of lines |