Stock Valuation
The purpose of this model is to analyze the stock valuations done in M3 for items, materials, and warehouses.
The model provides insight into these topics:
- Trends on Costing Structure and Stock Quantities
- Costing Components for Products and Warehouses
- Different Valuation types for Products and Warehouses
The different valuation types are also offered as selectable and changeable input in the reports.
Source information
This model is based on inventory valuations (MMSVAH/MMSVAD) created in 'Inventory Valuation.Open' (CAS180). The quantities received are then combined with the costing components (MCCOMA/MCCOML/MCHEAD).
Note: Stock Valuation does
not include a specific time dimension as the valuation rounds offer a big picture of the
stocks on the day the valuation is done. Aggregations over valuation rounds on one side, and
looking at time-based trends on the other side, do not match the model's data and purpose.
For movement statistics M3 Analytics offers the Stock Transaction Analysis model.