Troubleshooting when ETL job execution fails

Cause: The ETL job fails when performing one of these steps:

  • Full Extraction of [M3 Sales Budget Data Set] step
  • User Transformation step of Dim_PD_ManufacturingPeriod, Dim_PD_SalesBudgetPeriod, or Dim_PD_FiscalPeriod


  1. In DWD, under the Execution menu, select Background Jobs.

    In the Background Jobs in SQL Server Agent window, select the failed ETL job, for example, M3A1200 - M3A Daily ETL, and click the Starts selected job in SQL Server Agent button in the left bottom corner.

  2. In the <Repository prefix> - M3A Daily ETL window, for example, M3A1200 - M3A Daily ETL, scroll down to find which job failed to execute.
  3. If the execution fails in the Full Extraction of [M3 Sales Budget Data Set] step:
    1. Select the next step and click Start.
    2. When ETL job execution is completed, use SQL Server Management Studio to remove or skip the step to extract M3 Sales Budget Data Set from the SQL Server Agent. The M3 Sales Budget Data Set table can be readded after the customer creates a budget data set in M3.
    Note: Parallel Extract steps can also be implemented or considered if data volumes are high. In Parallel Extract, multiple tables of data are pulled from multiple tables in M3 at the same time.