Using the ad hoc jump
The ad hoc jump is an integration to Self-Service. Use this functionality to jump to ad hoc analysis in Self-Service with a predefined data set to continue exploring and analyzing the data.
- Click the Options button of a widget and select Create Ad Hoc. A matrix shows the dimensions and their elements in the X and Y axis.
To add or change the dimensions:
- Click the arrow or text above the matrix to show the dimension list.
- To add a dimension to the X or Y axis, click the dimension and select Move to Row Axis or Move to Column Axis.
- To replace a dimension in the matrix, select a dimension from the list. Drag and drop it above the dimension in the matrix to be replaced. A check mark indicates if the switch is allowed.
- Click the arrow or text above the matrix to hide the dimension list.
Filter the data that you want to be displayed in the matrix:
- Click the dimension or measure name.
Select any of these options to show specific elements, levels, or
- Select Elements
- Add Elements
- Select Level
- Select Attributes
To explore the entities under the dimensions that you selected, click the
header and select any of these options:
- Zoom in
Zooms in one level at a time, down to the lowest level
- Zoom out
Zooms out one level at a time, up to the highest level
- Zoom to level
Zooms in or out to a specific level number, instead of zooming in or out one level at a time
- Keep this element only
Retains the column or row that you clicked and removes the rest of the elements
- Zoom in
To narrow down your search to entities with data, click the
Options button from the toolbar or click a value in the chart.
Select any of these options:
- Zero Suppression on Rows
- Zero Suppression on Columns
- Zero Suppression on Rows and Columns
- Optionally, click the PDF, Excel, or PowerPoint button in the toolbar to export the report to these Office applications.