Sourced measures and KPIs

This table shows the measures that are sourced directly in Data Warehouse:

Measure Description
Actual Hrs – Labor The actual labor time in hours
Actual Hrs – Travel The actual travel time in hours
Actual vs Plnd Hrs Var – Labor The actual labor hours minus the planned labor hours
Actual vs Plnd Hrs Var – Travel The actual travel hours minus the planned travel hours
Capacity in Hrs The capacity of a work center in hours for the period as specified when creating the daily capacity of the work center in PDS960
Disturbance Time The actual travel and labor times that are reported with disturbances
Maintenance Time in Hrs The maintenance time in hours
No. of Closed WOs The number of closed work orders
No. of Disturbance Rpts The number of operation reports with disturbance time
No. of Labor Time Rpts The number of operation reports with labor time
No. of Maint Reports The number of operation reports with maintenance time
No. of Rpts w/ Scrap The number of operation reports with scrap quantities
No. of Stop Reports The number of operation reports with disturbances, such as interruptions
No. of Travel Time Rpts The number of operation reports with travel time
Planned Hrs – Labor The planned labor time in hours
Planned Hrs – Travel The planned travel time in hours
Stop Time in Hrs The total travel and labor times reported with a disturbance regarding a stop in production
Total Actual & Stop Hrs The sum of the actual travel time, labor time, and stop time
Total Actual Hrs The sum of actual travel time and labor time in hours
Total Actual vs Plnd Hrs Var The total actual hours minus the total planned hours
Total Planned Hrs The sum of planned travel time and labor run time in hours