Sourced measures and KPIs
This table shows the measures that are sourced directly in Data Warehouse:
Measure | Description |
Exch Rate Gain | Accounting rule PP10-301 amount, which is created if the exchange rate of the PO causes a gain in the standard cost calculation |
Exch Rate Loss | Accounting rule PP10-302 amount, which is created if the exchange rate of the PO causes a loss in the standard cost calculation |
Invcd Qty – Internal Acctg | Quantity as recorded in internal accounting in basic unit of measure |
Invcd Qty – Invoice Acctg | Invoiced quantity in basic unit of measure |
Invoice Amt | Accounted amount in the division currency |
Inv Fictive Net Value | Accounting rule PP10-903 amount, which is the net total value of the purchase order line for non-inventory items |
Neg Var Amt | Negative recorded amount in the division currency with accounting information type not equal to 10, 20 or 30 |
Order Charge Amt | Recorded amount in the division currency with accounting information type equal to 30 |
PO Line Charge Var | Accounting rule PP10-228 amount, which is the difference between the PO line and the inventory cost charges |
PO Line Ext Charge | Accounting rule PP10-226 amount, which is the external line charges |
PO Line Int Charge | Accounting rule PP10-251 amount, which is the internal line charges |
PO Line Net Value | Accounting rule PP10-225 amount, which is the net total value of the purchase order line |
PO Line Net Value Var | Accounting rule PP10-227 amount, which is the difference between the net total value of the PO line and the inventory value |
PO Net Value Var | Accounting rule PP10-911 amount, which is the difference between the net value of the PO and the inventory value |
Pos Var Amt | Positive recorded amount in the division currency with accounting information type not equal to 10, 20 or 30 |
Purch Order Amt | Recorded amount in the division currency with accounting information type, either 10 or 20 |
Standard Cost | Accounting rule PP10-910 amount, which is the total of the inventory value and the charges based on the inventory accounting method of the item |
Total PO Cost | Sum of PO line net value, PO line internal and external charges, and exchange rate gain and loss |
Total PO Var | Sum of PO net value variance, PO line net value variance, and PO line charge variance |
Total Standard Cost | Sum of standard cost and inventory fictive net price |
Variance Amt | Recorded amount in the division currency with accounting information type not equal to 10, 20, or 30 |