Calculated measures and KPIs
This table shows the measures that are calculated in the cube:
Measure | Description |
Actual vs Plnd Labor Hrs % | Actual labor hours divided by the planned labor hours |
Actual vs Plnd Labor Hrs Var % | Variance between actual and planned labor hours divided by the planned labor hours |
Actual vs Plnd Mach Hrs % | Actual machine hours divided by the planned machine hours |
Actual vs Plnd Mach Hrs Var % | Variance between actual and planned machine hours divided by the planned machine hours |
Avg Hours – Actual Mach Setup | Actual machine setup hours divided by the number of operations |
Avg Hours – Plnd Mach Setup | Planned machine setup hours divided by the number of operations |
Avg Hrs Diff – Actual Start & Finish | Working hours between the actual start and finish dates divided by the number of operations |
Avg Hrs Diff – Plnd & Actual Finish | Working hours between the planned and actual finish dates divided by the number of operations |
Avg Hrs Diff – Plnd & Actual Start | Working hours between the planned and actual start dates divided by the number of operations |
Labor Throughput per Hour | Manufactured quantity divided by the actual labor run time |
Mach Throughput per Hour | Manufactured quantity divided by the actual machine run time |
Mfd vs Order Qty % | Manufactured quantity divided by the order quantity |
Mfd vs Order Qty Var % | Variance between manufactured and order quantities divided by the order quantity |
Operations Finished in Time % | Operations finished in time divided by the number of operations |
Operations Started in Time % | Operations started in time divided by the number of operations |
Plnd Labor Throughput per Hour | Manufactured quantity divided by the planned labor run time |
Plnd Mach Throughput per Hour | Manufactured quantity divided by the planned machine run hours |
Scrapped vs Mfd Qty % | Scrapped quantity divided by the manufactured quantity |
Total Plnd Scrap vs Mfd Qty % | Total planned scrap quantity divided by the manufactured quantity |