Sourced measures and KPIs
This table shows the measures that are sourced directly in Data Warehouse:
Measure | Description |
Billable Hrs | The sum of billable travel hours and labor hours |
Billable Labor Hrs | The labor hours of work orders from maintenance customer orders that are not tagged as rework |
Billable Travel Hrs | The travel hours of work orders from maintenance customer orders that are not tagged as rework |
First Time Fix Operations | The number of work order operations that are tagged as a main service and fixed during the first visit |
Labor Hrs | The number of labor hours reported in used labor run time |
No. of Rptd Operations | The number of operations reported for a completed work order |
No. of Work Orders | The number of reported work orders |
Non-Billable Hrs | The sum of non-billable travel hours and labor hours |
Non-Billable Labor Hrs | The labor hours reported for work orders not coming from maintenance customer orders or those tagged as rework |
Non-Billable Travel Hrs | The travel hours reported for work orders not coming from maintenance customer orders or those tagged as rework |
Reported Hrs | The sum of travel hours and labor hours reported by the technician |
Travel Hrs | The number of travel hours reported in used labor setup time |
Work Hrs per Day | The technician's working hours per day |