Calculated measures and KPIs
This table shows the measures that are calculated in the cube:
Measure | Description |
Global Stock Turnover Qty | Sold quantity divided by the average on-hand balance multiplied by the number of manufacturing periods per year |
Global Stock Turnover Value | Sold value divided by the average on-hand balance value multiplied by the number of manufacturing periods per year |
Global Stock Turnover Weight | Sold weight divided by the average on-hand balance weight multiplied by the number of manufacturing periods per year |
Local Stock Turnover Qty | Sold and used quantities divided by the average on-hand balance multiplied by the number of manufacturing periods per year |
Local Stock Turnover Value | Sold and used values divided by the average on-hand balance value multiplied by the number of manufacturing periods per year |
Local Stock Turnover Weight | Sold and used weight divided by the average on-hand balance weight multiplied by the number of manufacturing periods per year |
Mfd & Purch vs Plan Qty % | Manufactured and purchased quantity divided by the planned quantity |
Mfd & Purch vs Plan Qty Var | Manufactured and purchased quantity minus the planned quantity |
Mfd & Purch vs Plan Value % | Manufactured and purchased value divided by the planned value |
Mfd & Purch vs Plan Weight % | Manufactured and purchased weight divided by the planned weight |
Mfd & Purch vs Plan Weight Var | Manufactured and purchased weight minus the planned weight |
Neg Phys Inv vs OHB Qty % | Negative physical inventory variance quantity divided by the average on-hand balance |
Neg Phys Inv vs OHB Value % | Negative physical inventory variance value divided by the average on-hand balance value |
Neg Phys Inv vs OHB Weight % | Negative physical inventory variance weight divided by the average on-hand balance weight |
Pos Phys Inv vs OHB Qty % | Positive physical inventory variance quantity divided by the average on-hand balance |
Pos Phys Inv vs OHB Value % | Positive physical inventory variance value divided by the average on-hand balance value |
Pos Phys Inv vs OHB Weight % | Positive physical inventory variance weight divided by the average on-hand balance weight |
Scrap vs OHB Qty % | Scrapped quantity divided by the average on-hand balance |
Scrap vs OHB Value % | Scrapped value divided by the average on-hand balance value |
Scrap vs OHB Weight % | Scrapped weight divided by the average on-hand balance weight |
Sold vs For Qty % | Sold quantity divided by the forecasted quantity |
Sold vs For Qty Var | Sold quantity minus the forecasted quantity |
Sold vs For Value % | Sold value divided by the forecasted value |
Sold vs For Weight % | Sold weight divided by the forecasted weight |
Sold vs For Weight Var | Sold weight minus the forecasted weight |
Yearly Turnover Qty | Annual usage quantity divided by the average on-hand balance |
Yearly Turnover Value | Annual usage value divided by the average on-hand balance value |
Yearly Turnover Weight | Annual usage weight divided by the average on-hand balance weight |