Widget list

For entities that have Supplier as the main dimension, the rv_Param_Supplier is available to enable manual setup of widget communication for Supplier dimension.

The Overview of Delivery Accuracy Date and Prior Year Period vs Current Period entitles have a chart-click in the widgets that can be used to filter the Supplier Delivery Accuracy dimension.

Entity Measure in widget Measure in detail report
Confirmed Quantity Accuracy by Buyer Lines Qty Rcvd Less than Conf %, Lines Qty as Conf %, Lines Qty Rcvd More than Conf % Lines Qty Rcvd Less than Conf %, Lines Qty as Conf %, Lines Qty Rcvd More than Conf %, Lines Qty Rcvd Less than Conf, Lines Qty as Conf, Lines Qty Rcvd More than Conf
Confirmed Quantity Accuracy by Period Lines Qty Rcvd Less than Conf %, Lines Qty as Conf %, Lines Qty Rcvd More than Conf % Lines Qty Rcvd Less than Conf %, Lines Qty as Conf %, Lines Qty Rcvd More than Conf %, Lines Qty Rcvd Less than Conf, Lines Qty as Conf, Lines Qty Rcvd More than Conf
Confirmed Quantity Accuracy by Product Lines Qty Rcvd Less than Conf %, Lines Qty as Conf %, Lines Qty Rcvd More than Conf % Lines Qty Rcvd Less than Conf %, Lines Qty as Conf %, Lines Qty Rcvd More than Conf %, Lines Qty Rcvd Less than Conf, Lines Qty as Conf, Lines Qty Rcvd More than Conf
Confirmed Quantity Accuracy by Selected Period Lines Qty Rcvd Less than Conf %, Lines Qty as Conf %, Lines Qty Rcvd More than Conf % Lines Qty Rcvd Less than Conf %, Lines Qty as Conf %, Lines Qty Rcvd More than Conf %, Lines Qty Rcvd Less than Conf, Lines Qty as Conf, Lines Qty Rcvd More than Conf
Confirmed Quantity Accuracy by Supplier Lines Qty Rcvd Less than Conf %, Lines Qty as Conf %, Lines Qty Rcvd More than Conf % Lines Qty Rcvd Less than Conf %, Lines Qty as Conf %, Lines Qty Rcvd More than Conf %, Lines Qty Rcvd Less than Conf, Lines Qty as Conf, Lines Qty Rcvd More than Conf
Delivery Accuracy by Buyer No. of Lines, Net Invoiced Value, Invoiced Qty No. of Lines, Net Invoiced Value, Invoiced Qty
Delivery Accuracy by Period No. of Lines, Net Invoiced Value, Invoiced Qty No. of Lines, Net Invoiced Value, Invoiced Qty
Delivery Accuracy by Product No. of Lines, Net Invoiced Value, Invoiced Qty No. of Lines, Net Invoiced Value, Invoiced Qty
Delivery Accuracy by Selected Period No. of Lines, Net Invoiced Value, Invoiced Qty No. of Lines, Net Invoiced Value, Invoiced Qty
Delivery Accuracy by Supplier No. of Lines, Net Invoiced Value, Invoiced Qty No. of Lines, Net Invoiced Value, Invoiced Qty
Delivery Accuracy Dates by Buyer No. of Lines, Net Invoiced Value, Invoiced Qty No. of Lines, Net Invoiced Value, Invoiced Qty
Delivery Accuracy Dates by Period No. of Lines, Net Invoiced Value, Invoiced Qty No. of Lines, Net Invoiced Value, Invoiced Qty
Delivery Accuracy Dates by Product No. of Lines, Net Invoiced Value, Invoiced Qty No. of Lines, Net Invoiced Value, Invoiced Qty
Delivery Accuracy Dates by Selected Period No. of Lines, Net Invoiced Value, Invoiced Qty No. of Lines, Net Invoiced Value, Invoiced Qty
Delivery Accuracy Dates by Supplier No. of Lines, Net Invoiced Value, Invoiced Qty No. of Lines, Net Invoiced Value, Invoiced Qty
Overview of Delivery Accuracy Dates No. of Lines, Net Invoiced Value, Invoiced Qty No. of Lines, Net Invoiced Value, Invoiced Qty
Overview of Suppliers Lines In Time & Qty as Req %, Lines On Time & Qty as Req % Lines In Time & Qty as Req %, Lines On Time & Qty as Req %, No. of Lines, Lines In Time & Qty as Req, Lines On Time & Qty as Req
Prior Year Period vs Current Period No. of Lines, Net Invoiced Value, Invoiced Qty No. of Lines, Net Invoiced Value, Invoiced Qty
Requested Quantity Accuracy by Buyer Lines Qty Rcvd Less than Req %, Lines Qty as Req %, Lines Qty Rcvd More than Req % Lines Qty Rcvd Less than Req %, Lines Qty as Req %, Lines Qty Rcvd More than Req %, Lines Qty Rcvd Less than Req, Lines Qty as Req, Lines Qty Rcvd More than Req
Requested Quantity Accuracy by Period Lines Qty Rcvd Less than Req %, Lines Qty as Req %, Lines Qty Rcvd More than Req % Lines Qty Rcvd Less than Req %, Lines Qty as Req %, Lines Qty Rcvd More than Req %, Lines Qty Rcvd Less than Req, Lines Qty as Req, Lines Qty Rcvd More than Req
Requested Quantity Accuracy by Product Lines Qty Rcvd Less than Req %, Lines Qty as Req %, Lines Qty Rcvd More than Req % Lines Qty Rcvd Less than Req %, Lines Qty as Req %, Lines Qty Rcvd More than Req %, Lines Qty Rcvd Less than Req, Lines Qty as Req, Lines Qty Rcvd More than Req
Requested Quantity Accuracy by Selected Period Lines Qty Rcvd Less than Req %, Lines Qty as Req %, Lines Qty Rcvd More than Req % Lines Qty Rcvd Less than Req %, Lines Qty as Req %, Lines Qty Rcvd More than Req %, Lines Qty Rcvd Less than Req, Lines Qty as Req, Lines Qty Rcvd More than Req
Requested Quantity Accuracy by Supplier Lines Qty Rcvd Less than Req %, Lines Qty as Req %, Lines Qty Rcvd More than Req % Lines Qty Rcvd Less than Req %, Lines Qty as Req %, Lines Qty Rcvd More than Req %, Lines Qty Rcvd Less than Req, Lines Qty as Req, Lines Qty Rcvd More than Req
Supplier Performance by Buyer Lines Correct/Overshp as Req Qty, Lines Correct/Overshp as Conf Qty, No. of Lines Lines Correct/Overshp as Req Qty, Lines Correct/Overshp as Conf Qty, No. of Lines
Supplier Performance by Period Lines Correct/Overshp as Req Qty, Lines Correct/Overshp as Conf Qty, No. of Lines Lines Correct/Overshp as Req Qty, Lines Correct/Overshp as Conf Qty, No. of Lines
Supplier Performance by Product Lines Correct/Overshp as Req Qty, Lines Correct/Overshp as Conf Qty, No. of Lines Lines Correct/Overshp as Req Qty, Lines Correct/Overshp as Conf Qty, No. of Lines
Supplier Performance by Selected Period Lines Correct/Overshp as Req Qty, Lines Correct/Overshp as Conf Qty, No. of Lines Lines Correct/Overshp as Req Qty, Lines Correct/Overshp as Conf Qty, No. of Lines
Supplier Performance by Supplier Lines Correct/Overshp as Req Qty, Lines Correct/Overshp as Conf Qty, No. of Lines Lines Correct/Overshp as Req Qty, Lines Correct/Overshp as Conf Qty, No. of Lines