Sourced measures and KPIs
This table shows the measures that are sourced directly in Data Warehouse:
Measure |
Description |
Actual vs Plnd Labor Hrs Var | Actual labor hours minus the planned labor hours |
Actual vs Plnd Mach Hrs Var | Actual machine hours minus the planned machine hours |
Hours Diff – Actual Start & Finish | Number of hours between the actual start and finish dates |
Hours Diff – Plnd & Actual Finish | Number of hours between the planned and actual finish dates |
Hours Diff – Plnd & Actual Start | Number of hours between the planned and actual start dates |
Labor Hrs | Sum of labor setup time and run time |
Labor Run Hrs | Reported man-hours used during the manufacturing operation |
Labor Setup Hrs | Reported man-hours used for setup and preparations before an operation begins |
Mach Run Hrs | Reported machine or process time used during the manufacturing operation |
Mach Setup Hrs | Reported machine or process time used for setup and preparations before an operation begins |
Machine Hrs | Sum of machine setup time and run time |
Manufactured Qty | Manufactured quantity for each order and operation in basic unit of measure |
Mfd Qty Finished in Time | Quantity manufactured on or prior to the planned finish date and time |
Mfd Qty Started in Time | Quantity whose operation has begun on or prior to the planned start date and time |
Mfd vs Order Qty Var | Manufactured quantity minus order quantity |
No. of Operations | Number of operations |
No. of Production Lots | Number of production lots |
Operations Finished in Time | Number of operations that have been completed on or prior to the planned date |
Operations Started in Time | Number of operations that have been started on or prior to the planned date |
Order Qty | Order quantity in basic unit of measure |
Plnd Labor Hrs | Sum of planned labor setup time and run time |
Plnd Labor Run Hrs | Number of man-hours required to fulfill the order quantity |
Plnd Labor Setup Hrs | Number of man-hours required for setup and preparations before an operation can begin |
Plnd Mach Hrs | Sum of planned machine setup time and run time |
Plnd Mach Run Hrs | Number of machine hours required to fulfill the order quantity |
Plnd Mach Setup Hrs | Number of hours required for setup and preparations before an operation can begin |
Plnd Scrap Qty | Order quantity in basic unit of measure multiplied by the scrap percentage |
Reworked Qty | Reworked quantity in basic unit of measure |
Scrapped Qty | Scrapped quantity for each operation in basic unit of measure |
Setup Scrap Qty | Extra material quantity in basic unit of measure that will be used for the setup work |
Total Plnd Scrap Qty | Sum of planned scrap and setup scrap quantities in basic unit of measure |
Work Days Diff – Actual Start & Finish | Number of working days between the actual start and finish dates |
Work Days Diff – Plnd & Actual Finish | Number of working days between the planned and actual finish dates |
Work Days Diff – Plnd & Actual Start | Number of working days between the planned and actual start dates |
Work Hrs Diff – Actual Start & Finish | Number of working hours between the actual start and finish dates |
Work Hrs Diff – Plnd & Actual Finish | Number of working hours between the planned and actual finish dates |
Work Hrs Diff – Plnd & Actual Start | Number of working hours between the planned and actual start dates |