Widget list

For Accuracy by Work Center entity, the rv_Param_WorkCenter is available to enable manual setup of widget communication for the Work Center dimension. There are widgets that change the displayed measure based on the measure type selected. For example, Setup, Run, and Total. This applies for Labor Time by Period and Machine Time by Period entities.

Entity Measure in widget Measure in detail report
Accuracy by Product Operations Started in Time %, Operations Finished in Time % Operations Started in Time %, Operations Finished in Time %, Operations Started in Time, Operations Finished in Time, No. of Operations
Accuracy by Work Center Operations Started in Time %, Operations Finished in Time % Operations Started in Time %, Operations Finished in Time %, Operations Started in Time, Operations Finished in Time, No. of Operations
Labor Time by Period Plnd Labor Hrs, Labor Hrs, Plnd Labor Setup Hrs, Labor Setup Hrs, Plnd Labor Run Hrs, Labor Run Hrs Plnd Labor Hrs, Labor Hrs, Plnd Labor Setup Hrs, Labor Setup Hrs, Plnd Labor Run Hrs, Labor Run Hrs, Actual vs Plnd Labor Hrs Var, Actual vs Plnd Labor Hrs Var %
Labor Time by Selected Period Plnd Labor Hrs, Labor Hrs, Plnd Labor Setup Hrs, Labor Setup Hrs, Plnd Labor Run Hrs, Labor Run Hrs Plnd Labor Hrs, Labor Hrs, Plnd Labor Setup Hrs, Labor Setup Hrs, Plnd Labor Run Hrs, Labor Run Hrs, Actual vs Plnd Labor Hrs Var, Actual vs Plnd Labor Hrs Var %
Machine Time by Period Plnd Mach Hrs, Machine Hrs, Plnd Mach Setup Hrs, Mach Setup Hrs, Plnd Mach Run Hrs, Mach Run Hrs Plnd Mach Hrs, Machine Hrs, Plnd Mach Setup Hrs, Mach Setup Hrs, Plnd Mach Run Hrs, Mach Run Hrs, Actual vs Plnd Mach Hrs Var, Actual vs Plnd Mach Hrs Var %
Machine Time by Selected Period Plnd Mach Hrs, Machine Hrs, Plnd Mach Setup Hrs, Mach Setup Hrs, Plnd Mach Run Hrs, Mach Run Hrs Plnd Mach Hrs, Machine Hrs, Plnd Mach Setup Hrs, Mach Setup Hrs, Plnd Mach Run Hrs, Mach Run Hrs, Actual vs Plnd Mach Hrs Var, Actual vs Plnd Mach Hrs Var %
Manufactured vs Order Quantity Manufactured Qty, Order Qty, Mfd vs Order Qty Var % Manufactured Qty, Order Qty, Mfd vs Order Qty Var %, Mfd vs Order Qty Var
Scrap Analysis by Period Scrapped Qty, Scrapped vs Mfd Qty % Scrapped Qty, Setup Scrap Qty, Scrapped vs Mfd Qty %, Manufactured Qty, Plnd Scrap Qty, Total Plnd Scrap Qty
Scrap Analysis by Selected Period Scrapped Qty, Scrapped vs Mfd Qty % Scrapped Qty, Setup Scrap Qty, Scrapped vs Mfd Qty %, Manufactured Qty, Plnd Scrap Qty, Total Plnd Scrap Qty
Throughput by Period Mach Throughput per Hour, Labor Throughput per Hour Mach Throughput per Hour, Labor Throughput per Hour, Manufactured Qty, Labor Hrs, Machine Hrs
Throughput by Selected Period Mach Throughput per Hour, Labor Throughput per Hour Mach Throughput per Hour, Labor Throughput per Hour, Manufactured Qty, Labor Hrs, Machine Hrs