Sourced measures and KPIs

This table shows the measures that are sourced directly in Data Warehouse:

Measure Description
Bonus & Commission Amt Reserved bonus and commission amount in the division currency
COGS Standard Total standard cost of the order line in the division currency
Disc Amt 1 Discount amount 1
Disc Amt 2 Discount amount 2
Disc Amt 3 Discount amount 3
Disc Amt 4 Discount amount 4
Disc Amt 5 Discount amount 5
Disc Amt 6 Discount amount 6
Gross Profit 1 Invoiced net amount minus the cost price
Gross Profit 2 Invoiced net amount minus cost price, net costs 1-5, and reserved bonus and commission
Gross Weight Gross weight of the item in the order line
Invcd Gross Amt Net line amount plus discount amounts 1-6 in the division currency
Invcd Net Amt Invoiced net line amount in the division currency
Invcd Qty Alt Unit Invoiced quantity in alternate unit of measure
Invcd Qty Sales Price Unit Invoiced quantity in sales price unit of measure
Invcd Qty Stat Unit Invoiced quantity in statistical unit of measure
Invoiced Qty Invoiced quantity in basic unit of measure
Issued Cost Amt Cost amount at stock issue in the division currency
Net Cost 1 Net cost 1
Net Cost 2 Net cost 2
Net Cost 3 Net cost 3
Net Cost 4 Net cost 4
Net Cost 5 Net cost 5
Net Weight Net weight of the item in the order line
No. of Lines Number of invoiced lines
Order Currency Amt Recorded amount in the order currency
Promoted Number of lines with promotions applied
Promotional Disc Amt Total discount amount due to promotions
Total Cost Cost price plus the total net cost
Total Disc Amt Sum of discount amounts 1-6 in the division currency
Total Net Cost Sum of net costs 1-5 in the division currency
Volume Volume of the item in the order line