Calculated measures and KPIs

This table shows the measures that are calculated in the cube:

Measure Description
Actual vs Plnd Hrs Var – Labor % The variance between actual and planned labor hours divided by the planned labor hours
Actual vs Plnd Hrs Var – Travel % The variance between actual and planned travel hours divided by the planned travel hours
Cap vs Actual Hrs Var The work center capacity minus the actual labor hours
Cap vs Actual Hrs Var % The variance between the work center capacity and labor hours divided by the work center capacity
Cap vs Plnd Hrs Var The work center capacity minus the planned labor hours
Cap vs Plnd Hrs Var % The variance between the work center capacity and planned hours divided by the work center capacity
Disturbance Hrs % The disturbance time in hours divided by the total labor hours
Labor Hrs % The actual labor hours divided by the total labor hours
Labor vs Total Actual Hrs % The actual labor hours divided by the total actual hours
Stop Hrs % The stop time in hours divided by the total labor hours
Total Actual vs Plnd Hrs Var % The variance between the total actual and planned hours divided by the total planned hours
Travel Hrs % The actual travel time divided by the total labor hours
Travel vs Total Actual Hrs % The actual travel hours divided by the total actual hours
Utilization % The total actual hours divided by the work center capacity