Widget list

For Performance by Work Center and Utilization % by Work Center entities, the rv_Param_WorkCenter is available to enable manual setup of widget communication for the Work Center dimension.

Entities Measure in widget Measure in detail report
Performance by Period Work Ctr Throughput per Hour, Efficiency % Work Ctr Throughput per Hour, Efficiency %, Total Planned Hrs, Total Hours, Total Run Hrs, Order Qty, Manufactured Qty
Performance by Selected Period Work Ctr Throughput per Hour, Efficiency % Work Ctr Throughput per Hour, Efficiency %, Total Planned Hrs, Total Hours, Total Run Hrs, Order Qty, Manufactured Qty
Performance by Work Center Work Ctr Throughput per Hour, Efficiency % Work Ctr Throughput per Hour, Efficiency %, Total Planned Hrs, Total Hours, Total Run Hrs, Order Qty, Manufactured Qty
Utilization % by Period Total Capacity in Hrs, Utilization % Total Capacity in Hrs, Utilization %, Total Hours
Utilization % by Selected Period Total Capacity in Hrs, Utilization % Total Capacity in Hrs, Utilization %, Total Hours
Utilization % by Work Center Total Capacity in Hrs, Utilization % Total Capacity in Hrs, Utilization %, Total Hours